For Energy Purchasers

Beacon is analytical, independent and innovative in creating low cost energy solutions for end- use energy customers.
Beacon assists in obtaining the lowest cost of energy supplies for commercial and industrials (“C&I”), datacenters, hospitality firms, hospitals and other end-use energy customers. We analyze energy costs and loads, wholesale energy strategies and conduct a fair and competitive bid auction process, assist in negotiating, and ultimately, in the final selection of the winning bidder. Beacon uses industry and proprietary tools to assess basis risk, benchmark projects and in recommending the most-worthy projects. We provide ongoing support to energy asset management challenges.
Rigorous Analysis
Beacon uses rigorous analysis to make a difference in end-user energy purchasing. We use our wholesale energy expertise, market insights and proprietary modeling to help determine the risks and advantages of purchasing from specific energy assets. Individual locations can have unique transmission and distribution risks and opportunities. We work to understand the risks and opportunities. End-users are typically confronted with complex energy supply contracts where it is important to understand the risks that they face as well as properly analyze the opportunities to obtain secure, low cost energy. Beacon is an experienced company in the wholesale energy markets and undertakes rigorous analysis of purchasing situations.
Independent and Objective Energy Procurement
Beacon’s job is to assist with the energy procurement function. Beacon obtains bids from a clearly written and orchestrated request for proposal (“RFP”) process, analyzes the results of the RFPs, assist in the selection of the best assets—using wholesale market experience, expertise and insight along with proprietary models, as requested by clients, and helps create a negotiated contract that is fair, simple and appropriate for all parties. Our client goals are simple contracts that help ensure low cost energy supply contracting. Beacon is an independently owned company, therefore, we work for our customers without other agendas. In client engagements, we work only on one side of the transaction and without conflicts.
Aggregating Loads, in some cases, Can Substantially Lower Costs
In today’s renewable supply market there is a substantial amount of supply competition. We use the power of the market to assist our clients in obtaining the best supplies. In some cases, it may be beneficial to procure utility scale size solar or wind projects and achieve lower costs from their economies of scale. Aggregating loads and requirements from multiple customers to match the requirements of the optimally sized projects can mean segmenting a 100 MW utility scale project into 10-15 MW slices for specific customers. This is called load aggregation and energy savings of 10-20% or more compared to smaller scale resources can sometimes be possible. The key is finding the right projects and in working with multiple parties to achieve a win for all.
Additionality: Creating New Renewable Energy Assets Where Possible
Additionality is the process of creating a new renewable energy asset in addition to obtaining energy supply. Renewable Energy Credits (“RECs”) created from new renewable energy assets are a valuable addition to reducing carbon emissions and helping to advance toward better climate objectives. In a number of cases, a bundled REC and energy supply product can be obtained in a manner that meets end user’s sustainability and cost objective.
For Microgrid End-Users: High Security of Supply and Reliability Requirements

Beacon, in an open and transparent manner, teams with major vendors to develop the best and most reliable customer solution.
Beacon assists in coordinating and designing microgridsolutions for customers that seek to achieve low cost, reliable, sustainable and secure energy supplies. Using gas-fired power, solar, wind, fuel cells and other technologies including battery storage and combined heat and power (“CHP”) we help implement solutions that improve reliability, save money and offer the potential to sell excess energy back to the host utility. Beacon by using the latest technological advances in controller technology, renewable energy generation and energy management systems works to develop, in partnership with major vendors, state-of-the-art solutions that create wins for all stakeholders.
Beacon typically seeks to use a rigorous vendor selection approach for each microgrid situation. The customer’s needs, energy requirements, goals and the unique situation is first analyzed, along with potential system market pricing, benefits and costs. Vendors are typically selected on the basis of a comprehensive and fair bidding process. In some cases, teaming at an early stage with a major vendor is appropriate given the specifics of the situation. In all cases, customers are able to understand the process being used, agree that it is appropriate, and feel comfortable that their needs are being addressed. Multiple technologies for generation and control are evaluated for cost and the ability of the vendor solution to perform over the intended life of the project. The interface with the current host utility is an important part in the process along with the customer objectives of high reliability and lower cost.
For Developers

Beacon seeks opportunities that can create a competitive advantage for new assets and thereby help realize a healthy developer margin.
Beacon identifies market opportunities, obtains new sites, solves transmission, distribution and interconnection issues, analyzes the best technologies available for the most economic long term assets, financially models the assets, obtains gas supplies for gas-fired projects, helps negotiate terms with key counterparties, applies proprietary approaches to maximize value and minimize risks and helps solve development challenges to create new efficient assets that achieve lowest cost of energy (“LCOE”) targets for customers.
Beacon has found that new assets must be best in class in today’s highly competitive marketplace. This comes from a careful analysis of locational benefits, technological capabilities, economies of scale, financial evaluations, customer potential, siting costs, taxes, project timing, transmission and distribution limitations, competitive project analysis and other factors. Beacon only seeks to advance new project assets that will be the most competitive. In this way, new assets can be the most successful portfolio assets.
For Financial Investors

Beacon seeks the best transactions and is rigorous in analyzing project assets.
Beacon provides due diligence and advisory support to investors. We can assist in counterparty negotiations, as requested. Beacon analyzes risks and rewards for the contemplated investments.
Beacon provides M&A support for the sale and acquisition of energy assets. While we are not a principal in the transaction or a broker, we work for the buy or sell side in providing due diligence analysis and support. Our role is defined after customer consultation. As an outside consulting resource, we assist in the evaluation of project asset strengths and risks from a market and industry perspective. Beacon can assist with negotiations as directed by our customers.
For Utilities

Beacon contributes strategic ideas and provides execution assistance.
Beacon offers merger and acquisition (“M&A”) assistance and analytical insights that help the utility customer make wise long-term asset choices. We perform due diligence on key future assets. Beacon can also help design regulatory incentives that are beneficial to all parties and supports the utilities mission. We have supported specific development activities by providing project specific support as necessary.
While we are not a principal in the transaction or a broker, we work for the buy or sell side in providing due diligence analysis and support. Our role is defined after customer consultation. As an outside consulting resource, we assist in the evaluation of project asset strengths and risks from a market and industry perspective. Beacon can assist with negotiations as directed by our customers.
For Technology Providers

Beacon seeks to assist technology providers by providing marketing insights and helping to advance joint venture or research and development funding activities.
Beacon works to provide insights into the energy business, market and customer requirements and we seek to provide valuable input on customer needs. Beacon can benchmark competitive products. We can support new R&D funding decisions, joint ventures and initiatives that build competitive advantage.
It takes multiple skill sets to advance innovative energy assets. Beacon understands that firms may have some required skill sets but not all of the required skill sets or capital to advance a particular energy venture. In these cases, and with the approval of the customer, Beacon will seek out joint venture partners that can together create a more competitive asset or venture.
Based on comprehensive market analysis, and reviewing university research, Beacon may be in a position to assist a university in identifying an industry funding partner for a particularly rewarding project. Industry partners seek competitive advantage and the right university research can lead to an advancement for the industry along with competitive advantage for a company with long term vision. Beacon seeks to develop a partnership approach that can lead to an industry participant funding worthy university research that can be commercialized.
Our Mission
Making a difference in sustainable energy and ROI.